Milbank City Council Members Sworn In, New Officers Elected for Coming Year

published 7-11

At the July 10th regular meeting of the Milbank City Council, three current representatives of the council had their terms of service extended during a formal swearing-in ceremony at the start of the meeting. The oath of office was formally administered to current council members Joel Foster, James Johnson and Mike Hanson by City Attorney Mark Reedstrom.

Immediately following, the council approved the appointments of Steve Wiener as council president with Joel Foster being appointed as vice president for the coming year.

In other business, the council approved the second reading of a new golf cart ordinance designed to better clarify certain legal driving issues for persons who operate motorized golf carts on state highways. The ordinance, more specifically defines the manner in which golf carts can be operated by a person on highways 12 and 15 within the Milbank city limits. Under the new ordinance, golf carts can legally be driven across state highways at a right angle, but only after stopping and yielding the right-of-way to all approaching traffic and crossing as closely as possible to an intersection or approach. The ordinance further stipulates that golf carts may only be operated in such areas between sunrise and sunset. The ordinance, though, does not require the golf cart to have a bell, horn or directional turn signals.

In another matter, City Administrator Jason Kettwig gave a detailed overview of various upgrades or improvements being proposed as part of the city’s five year capital improvement plan. The plan outlines various goals or improvements involving the city’s water and wastewater facilities, streets, parks, police department equipment and policies, as well as current and future spending practices.