Grant County Commissioners Hear Concerns About Ongoing Lake Drainage Issue


Some rural landowners in Grant County have recently expressed concerns about an ongoing drainage issue involving an area lake.

At today’s (Tuesday’s) Grant County Commissioners meeting, it was noted that private landowners residing along Lake Albert south of Highway 12 between Milbank and Big Stone City have been impacted by widespread flooding because the main outlet along the south end of the lake is currently clogged by tree branches, cattails, silt and other debris.

As of now, it’s unclear who would actually be responsible for clearing the area around the outlet in order to reduce the water level since the affected land is privately owned and there is no public access to the area. After further review, Grant County Auditor Karen Layher informed everyone that she would try to consult with entities such as the Department of Natural Resources and the Natural Resources Conservation Service in an effort to better determine who has actual jurisdiction when it comes to cleaning up the area and restoring the lake to its normal water level.

In other business, the commissioners approved a proposed contract agreement with Chad Nelson to serve as Grant County Public Defender for the year 2018.

County Auditor Karen Layher also discussed a new campaign finance law which will take effect in 2018 and how that will impact those who file nomination papers when running for elected county positions.