Abbey of the Hills Inn and Retreat Center Creates New On-Staff Position


The Abbey of the Hills Inn and Retreat Center has recently created a new on-staff position in an effort to make the facility more accommodating for potential users throughout the entire year. Val Rausch was recently named as Chief Development Officer for the Abbey. He talks more about his new role and how it will better enhance overall business operations at the Abbey…

Val goes on to further explain what his new role with the Abbey will actually entail…

Val’s role may also involve a certain amount of grant writing or application work, as well, in an effort to better fulfill the Abbey’s immediate and long-term needs…

Val says his overall mission, in reality, is to increase the Abbey’s overall presence and appeal to the general public, whether they be from near or afar…

For more information about the Abbey of The Hills Inn and Retreat Center you can call 605-398-9200 or visit their website at